Payment Options

We only accept Paypal+ Card Payments

Simply browse our store, choose the items you want to buy by clicking the Add to Cart Button on the product page, this will add the selected product to your shopping cart.

Click on Shopping Cart / View Shopping Cart to verify you have all you want in your shopping cart.

Click on the Checkout Button , Now you have 2 options;

1) Register an account

2) Guest Checkout

Either option is fine and you will be asked to fill in your name , address and contact phone number. By registering an account you get to choose your own password , a valid email address is also required.

Once you have filled out your contact details , click the Google Captcha to confirm you are a human and then Click on Continue.

Click on Continue again to confirm your shipping and Billing address

Now you can pay with your choosen payment currency , the options are USD or Euros or GBP

USD payments include VISA, MASTERCARD, MAESTRO, AMEX, SOLO and Discover Cards

EURO + GBP payments include VISA and Mastercard only

Please note all Card Payments will be to Satellite TV  Ireland which is the Sole Owner of Carbonfreeheat USA
Happy Shopping with Carbon Free Heat USA